Tag Archives: Haslemere Pandemic

BBC Pandemic filming at Haslemere Museum tomorrow, Sunday

This e-mail just came in from the production company, Rare TV, regarding the Haslemere BBC Pandemic Study:

Hi Nikki and Antoinette (Antoinette works for the Haslemere Visitor Information Centre)

It’s been a very busy few days for us on the BBC Pandemic experiment. There have been a few technical problems with the BBC Pandemic app for some people  but we’ve had loads of people taking part too. We are filming a results event tomorrow, 2pm at Haslemere Museum. Would it be possible for you to share this on your social media? Everyone in Haslemere is invited, particularly those people who did take part. It’s going to be exciting/nerve-wracking as I genuinely don’t know what the results will be. Like making live telly!

And hopefully we’ll see you there too with family/friends if you’re free.

Update: Technical problems have meant a few people are getting a message on the app today saying the tracker has stopped – but it’s okay, your data is good and you will still get your result tomorrow. As long as you don’t delete the app and leave the screen as it is!

BBC Pandemic – Haslemere Study

Everyone in Haslemere is invited to help spread the BBC Pandemic. Download the free app – it could help save thousands of lives. Here’s a video to explain more.

If you live or work in Haslemere, or even just pop in to shop, you can play a vital role in the BBC Pandemic experiment. There is an option on the app just for Haslemere.

No matter your age, if you have a smartphone, we would like you to take part. All you have to do is download the Pandemic app and select the “Haslemere Outbreak” option. Then, from Thursday 12th October 2017, for three days – and those three days only – the app will collect GPS data of your movements. All data will be made anonymous to protect your identity and a team from the University of Cambridge and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine will use it to predict how a flu outbreak might spread across the town – and what can be done to stop it.

Participation is entirely voluntary and you can opt out at any time but the more people participate, the more accurate the results will be so please do join in and download!

The link to the App Store is https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/bbc-pandemic/id1274960535?mt=8&ign-mpt=uo%3D4

And for Google Play it’s https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.threesixtyproduction.pandemic&hl=en_GB