My Track Record of Public Service in the Community
Over the last 6 years as Haslemere’s only Independent County Councillor (2013-17) and only Independent Town Councillor :
I have not been afraid to stand up for, and support residents and community groups, for example, where I
- played a lead role in the successful campaign to save the Alzheimer’s Centre, now The Hunter Centre,
- supported residents and contributed in the process to protect a safe footpath from College Hill to the High Street
- successfully lobbied Surrey County Council to enable the outstanding Stepping Stones school to expand into Undershaw in Hindhead,
- acted as an advocate for local families in need,
- was also a founding member of the Haslemere Vision Neighbourhood Plan and the Haslemere South Residents Association,
- as your Surrey County County Councillor, published regular updates about my activities, meetings and events in Haslemere.
Secured funding for critical road safety and improvement projects across Haslemere and Grayswood including;
- new street lights on Sandrock a well-used pedestrian route to and from the town and station that was previously unlit. I negotiated extra funds to install heritage grade lights.
- pedestrian crossing at Wey Hill/St Christopher’s Green – in response to many requests for a new crossing from residents and businesses in Wey Hill, following a lengthy consultation with SCC Highways. The new crossing positioned opposite the Wey Hill car park has improved the connectivity between the two sides on this very busy road, and improved access to the library and many shops and businesses in Wey Hill.
- pedestrian crossing Shottermill Infant School – in response to a lengthy campaign by parents and the governing body
- major road resurfacing – project horizon- A286 and A287, Blackdown Lane, Wey Hill which I fought to have resurfaced as it was originally left off list, Derby Road East, outside St Bartholomew’s Primary School
- speed reduction Grayswood, parking restrictions outside Grayswood Primary school to improve pupil safety,
- and also, as County Councillor worked very closely with the Surrey Highways team to get pot holes and drainage issues reported and fixed as quickly as possible.

New Sandrock Lighting
Co-founded Haslemere Community Rail Partnership
- An innovative project that has for the first time brought together a wide-ranging group of partners with the following objectives; to promote Haslemere as a ‘gateway’ to the South Downs National Park and Surrey Hills and the beautiful surrounding countryside, to use Haslemere train station as the stimulus to promote Haslemere town with its independent shops and businesses, rich arts and crafts heritage and wide range of nationally renowned festivals and events, to promote rail travel to the town as a more sustainable travel mode and to improve the station and forecourt environment. Haslemere station is one of the busiest on the SWR network with over 1.4 million passenger journeys annually and faces the challenges of restricted parking capacity and poor intermodal connections between train, walking, cycling and public transport.

Haslemere Community Hub in disused shop at Haslemere Railway Station
- Haslemere Community Rail Partnership projects to date
- Community Information Hub created in previously derelict shop on station forecourt- open part time throughout the year, manned by volunteers, lease secured until 2024
- Secured funding to launch social media campaign via, Twitter @haslemere_ihub and Instagram @Haslemere_iHub, and Facebook to promote rail travel and Haslemere as a tourist destination
- Large visitor information map/totem installed on forecourt in partnership with South Downs
- Rail to Ramble map series being created -15 walks from Haslemere station
- Station flower beds cleared and replanted
- Defibrillator fitted at station- thanks to sponsors SWR, ACoRP, Haslemere Community First Responders and Shottermill Memorial. First Responders providing defibrillator training for partners, volunteers and station staff with Station House hosting training
- In process, Rail to Trail off road bike trail from station to Punch Bowl in partnership with Surrey Hills and Cycling UK – June, 2019 launch planned.
- Project Partners
- South West Trains
- South Downs National Park Authority
- Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
- Surrey County Council
- Haslemere Town Council
- Haslemere Chamber of Commerce
- The local National Trust
- Haslemere Vision
- Haslemere Society
- Haslemere Events
- Haslemere Festival
- Haslemere Museum, including Visitor Information Centre
- Station House Hotel
- Haslemere Arts and Crafts Society
- Haslemere Hall
Surrey County Council member’s allocation;
I liaised closely with community groups, and made sure I distributed every penny of my members allocation funds to support community groups including – Scouts, Guides, Haslemere Community First Responders, Shottermill Junior School library, Woolmer Hill table tennis club, Transition Town Haslemere allotments, St Bartholomew’s Primary, Woolmer Hill Young musician competition, A Place to Be youth club and the Haslemere skatepark.

Opening of Haslemere Skate Park