Dear Residents Associations,
Surrey Police and the Office of Police and Crime Commissioner are holding a series of public engagement meetings from January 8 – February 2020, and would like to invite your residents to help promote and attend these events for the maximum impact in our communities.

See attached media release and link here to assets with the specific details of each local event, now being promoted by Surrey Police. Residents are urged to register for their local event using the eventbrite links here.
The meetings are a great opportunity for members of your Association and other local residents to get involved in the issues that matter to them locally, to hear about future plans in policing their neighbourhoods, and to consult on plans for the local council tax precept for policing in 2020.
A meeting will be held in every borough and district in Surrey, with presentations by, and an opportunity to ask questions to the PCC, a Chief Officer and the local Borough Commander.
Please could those of you who are interested please help to share these events using any social media and local contacts who may be interested in attending? There is a limited time before the first event so all help to promote engagement is much appreciated.
If you’re not already doing so, please do take a moment to follow @SurreyPCC for this and other news, including information on how tax payers money is helping us tackle crime and create a safer Surrey.
Please do contact me for more information or to ask questions.
Many thanks,
Communications and Engagement Officer
Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner