Sharing information about The Blue Hearts of Haslemere brought to town by Love Haslemere Hate Waste, Transition Haslemere, and Haslemere Vision.

Sharing information about The Blue Hearts of Haslemere brought to town by Love Haslemere Hate Waste, Transition Haslemere, and Haslemere Vision.
I was delighted to go out litter picking on Sun Brow on Friday with the Love Haslemere Hate Waste team, Transition Haslemere and councillor colleague, Claire Matthes.
This was the first time using the grabbers, portable bins and safety gilets I was able to fund with my Surrey County Council Members Community Allocation.
Huge thanks to the brilliant girls who worked so hard to clean up our town- all from St Bartholomew’s Primary School.
Sadly there was so much litter so, there are plenty more litter picks planned.