I have uploaded my candidate profile for Surrey County Council’s by-election for Haslemere on 2nd May 2019 on the Democracy Club website.
You can read it via this link: https://candidates.democracyclub.org.uk/person/55186/nikki-barton …

Surrey County Council is responsible for so much that affects our daily lives – social care, health, highways, schools & learning, libraries, waste and recycling. Budgets are being slashed. Key services are under threat. Haslemere needs a councillor to show up and champion our town.
When I was County Councillor (2013 – 2017), I threw myself into the role with energy, and a deep commitment to serve the community with passion, transparency and engagement. I worked hard, listened and built trust.
Here are some of my achievements: www.haslemerefirst.com/achievements.
If elected again as your Surrey County Councillor,
· Haslemere will regain an independent voice at county level – community before politics
· I will promote openness and transparency – I believe in the power of accountability
· I will fight for Haslemere’s fair share of those scarce resources
By submitting your postcode, you can view biographies of all candidates for this by-election.