Site visits for the Waverley-wide parking review were carried out in September and October 2013, with recommendations presented to the Waverley Local Committee on 13 December 2013.
The decisions made at the meeting were recorded in the minutes. Decisions, resolutions and plans.
The recommendations are now being formally advertised. The drawings showing all the locations, by councillor division; are shown bvia this link
Should you wish to comment or object to one or more of the proposals, you can do so by completing the feedback form here: Waverley Parking Review.
The closing date for all submissions is Friday 4 April 2014.
Alternatively should you wish to physically view the drawings of the proposals you can do so by visiting one of the following locations during their normal office hours.
- Haslemere Library, 91 Wey Hill. Haslemere.
In addition please note:
- That the proposed permit holder only schemes for the shared use parking bays in West Street and St Christopher’s Green, Haslemere will be advertised in April. Please also note that the proposals for these are still shown on the plans.
This is an extract for Haslemere from the committee report.
Weydown Road (24050, 24052, 24116, 24138, 24139) Along the entire length of the road, introduce sections of single yellow line applying 8.30am to 5.30pm Monday to Friday in order to prevent parking on both sides of the road in any one place. A section of single yellow closest to Derby Road on the western side of Weydown Road will have a restriction applying only between 3pm to 5pm Monday to Friday in order to benefit visitors to the nearby Church. Weydown Road is currently heavily parked by commuters on both sides of the road which makes the passing of two way traffic very difficult, obstructs sight lines due to the bend in the road and puts cyclists at an increased risk due to their unnatural position in the road. In addition to these proposals, double yellow lines will be provided on the Weydown Road junction with High Lane and the existing single yellow lines by the junction with Derby Road will be upgraded to double yellow.
Derby Road j/w Weydown Road (24052) Upgrade the single yellow lines on this junction to double yellow to maintain sight lines at all times of the day.
High Lane j/w Derby Road and Weycombe Road (24140) Introduce double yellow lines on this staggered set of junctions to maintain sight lines and road safety. In addition, keeping this area clear will help the school crossing patrol officer who works by the Derby Road junction.
Derby Road (24050) West of the junction with Church Road, extend the existing double yellow lines on the north and south side further westwards in order to cover driveways and give better sight lines and access, particularly during school pick up and drop off times. In addition, downgrade the section of 8.30am to 6.30pm single yellow line restriction outside Derby House to the same times are per the remainder of Derby Road (10am to 2.30pm). This will provide additional parking during school pick up and drop off times.
Church Road (24050) Outside the accesses to numbers 15, 17 and 19, introduce two lengths of double yellow lines to improve sight lines for these drives and to limit the parking between the two dropped kerbs to two vehicles as opposed to three vehicles.
Tanners Lane (24055) Extend the existing double yellow lines on both sides of the road to improve traffic flow and sight lines. On the south side the lines will extend up to the Church Green Cottages. On the north side the lines will extend up to the extent of the white dashed edge of carriageway marking by Church Hill Gate.
Bridge Road (24054) Extend the existing double yellow lines by the junction with Popes Mead up to number 13 Bridge Road. This will help with the passing of traffic without impacting too significantly on the current parking practices of Bridge Road residents.
West Street (Service Road by Fire Station) (24054) The residents parking bay here is underused during the day and it is therefore proposed to introduce a free one hour limited waiting period (in addition to permit holders) in order to allow this bay to be used by visitors to the nearby shops as well as by existing resident permit holders.
Sandrock (24117) Opposite numbers 10 and 11, extend the existing double yellow lines opposite the driveway of number 11 to assist with access to and from this drive.
Courts Hill Road (24058, 24117) On the north side introduce 4 lengths of double yellow lines to prevent parking opposite the drives to numbers 1a, 3 to 9, 11 and 15. In Courts Hill Road parking only takes place on the north side and this makes it difficult for residents with properties and driveways located on the south side to exit their driveways. This proposal eradicates this problem throughout the street. In addition, revoke the ‘permit holders only’ parking bay outside Haughton House as this bay is very underused during the day and is causing unnecessary displacement of vehicles to the eastern half of Courts Hill Road.
It is also proposed to allow properties with steep or narrow driveways on the north side Kings Road (24057) Extend the existing double yellow lines on both sides of the road southwards up to and partly beyond the Leisure Centre entrance to prevent parking on this section of bend to maintain sight lines and road safety. This is a change for the TRO only to match the layout currently on the ground.
St Christopher’s Green (24051) On the unrestricted section by the church, introduce a 2 hour limited waiting bay for three vehicles (same restriction as Bunch Lane) in order to provide additional visitor parking for the Church or nearby shops. On the residential side on St Christopher’s Green, extend the existing double yellow lines by the garage to cover the dropped kerb for this garage. In addition, outside properties ‘Dawn Cottage’ and ‘Elmbank’, convert this section of residents bay here to permit holders or 1 hour limited waiting. As this parking bay is underused during the day, having these two end spaces available for visitors to the shops will make better use of the available space.
Lion Green (24056) Outside the Methodist Church, revoke the single yellow line to allow parking during the day but extend the existing double yellow lines that are to the east of the church by approximately two car lengths. This extension of double yellow lines will cover the eastern access to the church and a car length beyond in order to help maintain traffic flow by clearing the white central hatching that reduces the width of the carriageway lanes at this point.
Lion Mead (24056) Increase the limited waiting period on the parking bay from 1 hour to 2 hours in order to give additional time for church visitors.
Lion Lane (24049, 24051) On the north eastern side of Lion Lane, introduce double yellow lines from the junction with Underwood Road (also covering this junction) northwards up to the boundary of numbers 76 and 78 (excluding the lay-by outside numbers 40 to 44). This proposal will significantly improve two way traffic flow by keeping parking on this side within the layby areas only and not allow parking to take place half on and half off the footway which happens during school pick up and drop off times and in the evenings.
Weysprings (24051) Outside number 2, reduce the existing double yellow lines so that they do not cover the dropped kerb for this property. This is at the request of the resident.
Lower Road, Grayswood (24047) On the north side between the existing school keep clear marking and double yellow lines, fill in this gap with additional double yellow lines in order to keep parking on one side of the road only in the vicinity of the Grayswood House entrance and prevent parking by this entrance.
This is consultation only and any comment may be sent to me on or David Curl, Parking Strategy & Implementation Team Manager Parking Strategy & Implementation Team Local Highway Services Surrey Highways on 0300 200 1003 or via e-mail