Haslemere town plan consultation goes online during lockdown. (via Haslemere Herald)
ALL UPCOMING drop-in consultation events for the Haslemere Neighbourhood Plan have been cancelled in light of the Covid-19 lockdown.
However, the Haslemere Vision volunteers in the neighbourhood planning team have now regrouped and are planning webinars so residents who prefer to talk things through have an opportunity to talk directly to those involved.

The first webinar will take place on Monday (April 20) at 7pm, with a second on Tuesday, April 21 at 10am.
To register for these events, email nplan@haslemeretc.org or for more information visit the links to the survey here in a thread on the town council’s website: www.haslemeretc.org/neighbourhood-plan
Further dates will be announced in due course and publicised on the Haslemere Town Council and Haslemere Vision Facebook pages and Twitter.
Each household in the area received a summary of the plan in the post at the beginning of the consultation and many have been having their say by completing the online surveys.
The survey, plus a full copy of the plan and the evidence base, is also available online.
Any residents without online access, who wish to receive information or ask questions, can call 07873 383943 or send a letter to Haslemere Town Hall, High Street, Haslemere GU27 2HG.
If adopted, the town plan will direct development in the Haslemere area.